15 Stratton St, Mayfair, W1J 8LQ

Thank you for leaving your details and considering this thriving and exciting market, which is experiencing a paradigm shift.

Art marries “the qualities of luxury goods with promises of high investment returns and unrivaled social prestige…more money, from more places, has poured into the art market than ever before, inspiring even more creative ways to put this capital to work’”- Noah Horowitz, Art of the Deal   

 One of our team will be in touch shortly. In the meantime, please turn your attention to our website www.lizxib.com

“Primarily, we advocate cultural ambition and the acquisition of knowledge. We have the tools; online articles, specialist reports and courses. This way one will unlock a greater variety of fruitful dividends than a mere mercenary approach.”

Pinto Rai Dhir
Managing Director, Elizabeth Xi Bauer