Can we have the best of all possible worlds?



Can we have the best of all possible worlds?

By Pinto Rai Dhir M.D. and Edward Sheldrick MLitt

Elizabeth Xi Bauer is a transnational cultural platform promoting art and artists. We have held an extremely successful international group exhibition and more exciting plans are underway. We offer a wide range of complimentary art related reports, articles and courses for those who so wish. We are patrons of the esteemed Royal Academy of Arts and we are friends of the Tate. Our long term objective is to create a foundation for philanthropic work internationally utilising the power of art. We believe that art collecting should start with a cocktail of cultural ambition, the acquisition of knowledge and passion. We turn away speculators, those only interested in short term gains and risk taking, who are shunned by the art world.

Those who go against these curses and realise that collecting is very much a long term endeavour will ultimately enjoy a wide variety of fruitful dividends. Such force multipliers have been quantified by economists, Erdal Atukeren and Aylin Seckin, at a return rate of up to 28% per annum (‘Psychic returns’). This is a high yield in any field. An example is the intangible joy of looking at a work of art but this is just the glorious tip of the art collector’s iceberg. Art collecting is a win-win situation; a reciprocal endeavour whereby the benefits are tenfold. Play your part, be responsible and enjoy the benefits that come with such a privilege. Can we have the best of all possible worlds? Taking reference to Gottfried Leibniz yes we can, we live in it.

To become a patron just collect

Art collecting is very much a symbiotic relationship. At Elizabeth Xi Bauer, the collector is reinvesting in the artist fostering further growth as a large percentage of the purchase price is received by the artist. This can only be positive for the collector and the artist alike empowering the latter to continue their successful career trajectory. One could say that the collector is thus reinvesting in their position. Furthermore, we at Elizabeth Xi Bauer reinvest in our work as a platform promoting the artists around the world through exhibitions, publications, relationships with institutions and museums of the highest order and high quality research and resource materials for example. Such a manifestation of our approach and ambition is our pending artwork acquisitions proposal to the Tate Collection for one of our artists. We have also been approached to work with the biggest private non-for-profit art museum in China.

Due to their benefaction, the collector is playing a key role within the art world ecosystem and mutually beneficial collective; the artists, the specialists and the collectors.

An exclusive club entered through merit

Such patronage gains much respect from the art world, now more globalised than ever, opening doors to a wealth of opportunities and experiences for the collector. We are experiencing a worldwide boom. There are now more biennials, museums, institutions, foundations, galleries, art fairs and corporate art collections than ever before. This creates an art calendar that is bustling internationally; exhibitions, private views, talks, private parties, events, tours, discussions, workshops, symposiums, trips, studio visits et cetera.

One can think of collecting as custodianship of the artists’ endeavours, the artworks and of the collection as a powerful entity. One can pass this down to their loved ones.

Enjoy the moment and you could be building for the future

In time, you or your loved ones may be invited to loan or donate artworks to a museum and thus seriously contributing to the cultural landscape and mankind. Not only does





this add another layer of validation but it is the art world’s ultimate validation and reward for the artwork, the artist and the collector who believed in its value. A resonating reward to be enjoyed for generations – a place in history. The outlook is increasingly bright as around the world new museums and institutions are being built at roaring pace for billions. China is building museums at a rate of one a day and UAE is building their own Louvre in Abu Dhabi in a deal worth £663 million with France, as well as a Guggenheim.

Collectors are imperative

A great number of the world’s exhibitions in museums and institutions would be impossible without collectors. Important examples are the blockbuster exhibitions Revolution Russian Art 1917-1932 and America after the Fall at the Royal Academy of Arts. In some cases, collectors saved the artworks from destruction or being lost forever. Through their custodianship and care the artworks can now be seen by the world. Through working together with the most talented and visionary curators in the art world, collector’s artworks can rotate through exhibitions globally and even find a resting place in a museum or an institution’s permanent collection. Many go on to bequeath their whole collections leaving a powerful legacy. Many see this as a duty. Cultural philanthropy of the highest order.

The late David Rockefeller was one of the greatest cultural philanthropists in human history. He was a mega collector but also regularly donated artworks as well as money to New York’s cultural institutions. The donated artworks formed the backbone of many of the museum’s collections.

“No individual has contributed more to the commercial and civic life of New York City over a longer period of time than David Rockefeller…The Museum of Modern Art would not be what it is today without David’s leadership and generosity” – former New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg

However, collecting and cultural patronage are not the preserve of the mega-rich. One can collect utilising small budgets building up a collection gradually, for example the Vogel’s were frugal but their collection rivalled the Getty’s and the Rothschild’s, which they donated. Similarly, the Herbert’s built up a huge collection and created their own foundation and research centre. To learn more about these collectors and others – click here.

Art collecting is a form of cultural symbiotic patronage with short, medium and long term beneficial force multipliers. Let’s revel in the Panglossian for this time the world about us is the best possible one.

Our award winning international team of experts, who operate within the art world’s cultural network, apply the art world’s tried and tested validation procedure on each and every artist and artwork. Each international artist has already garnered much success (top art schools, awards, international exhibitions, biennales, collected by esteemed institutions and private collections etc.) and is still gaining traction. The collectors who enter at this exciting progression stage will therefore be rewarded by accessible prices as their primary market privilege.

The seeds were planted long ago and the plants are now about to blossom into flower and fruit” – Elizabeth Xi Bauer

If you wish to learn more please do get in contact
